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[모스크바] 성 바실리 대성당 위치

by 소중하루 2016. 8. 9.

테트리스로도 유명한 러시아 랜드마크

붉은 광장에 있는 성 바실리 대성당


다른 건물들과는 확연하게 다른게 만화를 보고 있는것만 같은 분위기가 난다.

성 바실리 대성당 내부는 입장료 300루블을 내고 들어가서 구경 할 수 있으며

사진 촬영은 금지되어 있다.









모스크바까지 가서 아래 사진처럼 귀한시간 버리지 말고

붉은 광장 오픈 시간은 꼭 확인하고 가시길..



홈페이지 : http://www.saintbasil.ru/


성 바실리 대성당(러시아어: Собор Василия Блаженого)은 모스크바의 붉은 광장에 있는 러시아 정교회 성당이다. 모스크바 대공국의 황제였던 이반 4세가 러시아에서 카잔 한국을 몰아낸 것을 기념하며 봉헌한 성당이다. 1555년 건축을 시작하여 1560년 완공하였다. 러시아 양식과 비잔틴 양식이 혼합되어 있다. 47미터 되는 팔각형의 첨탑을 중앙으로 하여 주변에 8개의 양파 모양의 지붕들이 배열되어 있으며 예배당을 형성하는 4개의 다각탑과 그 사이 4개의 원형탑이 솟아 있어 총 9개의 탑이 있다. 탑들은 서로 무질서하게 배열되어 있으나 그 곳에서 조화로움이 보인다

The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed (Russian: Собор Василия Блаженного), commonly known as Saint Basil's Cathedral, is a church in Red Square in Moscow, Russia. The building, now a museum, is officially known as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat (Russian: Собор Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы, что на Рву) or Pokrovsky Cathedral (Russian: Покровский собор). It was built from 1555–61 on orders from Ivan the Terrible and commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. A world-famous landmark, it was the city's tallest building until the completion of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 1600.

The original building, known as Trinity Church and later Trinity Cathedral, contained eight side churches arranged around the ninth, central church of Intercession; the tenth church was erected in 1588 over the grave of venerated local saint Vasily (Basil). In the 16th and 17th centuries, the church, perceived as the earthly symbol of the Heavenly City, as happens to all churches in Byzantine Christianity, was popularly known as the "Jerusalem" and served as an allegory of the Jerusalem Temple in the annual Palm Sunday parade attended by the Patriarch of Moscow and the tsar.

The building is shaped as a flame of a bonfire rising into the sky, a design that has no analogues in Russian architecture. Dmitry Shvidkovsky, in his book Russian Architecture and the West, states that "it is like no other Russian building. Nothing similar can be found in the entire millennium of Byzantine tradition from the fifth to fifteenth century ... a strangeness that astonishes by its unexpectedness, complexity and dazzling interleaving of the manifold details of its design." The cathedral foreshadowed the climax of Russian national architecture in the 17th century.

As part of the program of state atheism, the church was confiscated from the Russian Orthodox community as part of the Soviet Union's anti-theist campaigns and has operated as a division of the State Historical Museum since 1928. It was completely and forcefully secularized in 1929[14] and remains a federal property of the Russian Federation. The church has been part of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990. It is not actually within the Kremlin, but often served as a visual metonym for Russia in western media throughout the Cold War.

